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Insufferable Weight of Silence Page 5
Insufferable Weight of Silence Read online
Page 5
"No you didn't." He argues back. I glare at him, flop back into my seat crossing my arms in front of me, and prop my feet on the dashboard a bit to roughly.
"Hey, watch the leather grumpy pants and get your feet off my dash." He says swatting at my legs.
"Is it shark week? Cause if so I vote we take her home." Jeremy asks. That's what they have deemed my lovely time of the month. It's repulsive and for some reason they all feel the need to stay away when I'm on it. I don't blame them, when my insides decide to rebel and turn against me for not getting knocked up I turn into a raging she-monster and make everyone feel my wrath.
"No, I've just..."
"Got a lot on your mind... We know." Dex and Jeremy both say in unison.
"I think you should go ahead and get it off your chest so we all feel better." Jeremy teases.
"I kissed someone I shouldn't have. No, it wasn't Kase and no, I'm not telling you two knuckle heads who." I tell them.
"That's it? I kiss girls all the time." Jeremy says matter of fact. "If you're worried you cheated on Kase, don't feel bad. It's not like y'all are together. That's why we didn't feel like it was a big deal to tell Dex." He adds.
"Well, it wasn't a big deal to him either even though he knew......" I pause. "Whatever, I'm over it, it was just my first kiss. Not like it should have meant anything, right?" I grump and slink further back into my seat. Dex's jaw ticks while he concentrates on the road and not the conversation just further proving my theory.
I sit on the tailgate of Dex's truck and watch the guys work on the tractor trying to get it started after fixing it and putting in some gasoline. It wouldn't have taken so long but they joked around and rough housed more than anything. The loud engine cranks over and Jeremy takes it for a test drive out in the field while Jason runs to the house to get his dad. Dex makes his way towards me cleaning his hands on a towel and leans against the tailgate.
“Spill because I'm tired of looking at your pissy face." He says already knowing it's not all about the kiss.
"I asked Kase if I was his girlfriend and he said, 'we've only been on two dates. What's the rush?'" I frown over at Dex. "I already knew it but it still hurts. I've never dated anyone before and I know I shouldn't have kissed you. I'm all confused and don't know what to do." He seems to mull it over for a second watching Jeremy drive around the barren wheat field.
"I've dated a lot of girls and only been serious with 2." He says out of nowhere. I look at him wondering where he's going with this because I already know about his relationships. We don't keep secrets from one another about anything.
"When I dated a girl it was because I thought she was attractive and wanted to get to know her. The two that turned into girlfriends I liked a lot and we clicked, so maybe Kase is doing the same thing." He points out.
"How often did you take out the girls you dated?" I ask needing advice.
"I don't know, once a week or more if I had time. Why? How long have you and Kase been dating?"
"We've gone on two dates in a month. Once you showed up it all stopped." I frown, he nods his head not saying anything. He knows I've already got my answer. The only thing is, I feel like Dex is what's holding us back. Kase is jealous of mine and Dex's relationship. He needs to get over it because I refuse to let Dex go.
Chapter 4
(Present day)
No sooner than he shuts the door I'm painfully aware that I'm alone. I quickly lock the door behind Declan hoping he has a key because I'm not opening it for anyone. I don't think Brody would actually come for me or that he even knows where my parents house is but I don't want to find out the hard way. The only thing I ever told Brody is that I was from Texas, he didn't deserve to know anything else.
I wander up stairs to look around and discover he brought up all mine and the girls things and took them into my old room, which still looked exactly the same. I quickly find my clothes and gather some things along with my toiletries from my bag and go to his bathroom. It struck me as odd that he had completely renovated just about every room in the house adding rustic touches, aside from my room.
I take possibly the hottest and longest shower in his gorgeous stone walk in that I've ever taken and note all the bruises Brody has graciously gifted me. When I step out my face is clear of the rest of the dried blood around my cheek and lip. There's still a lot of swelling in both areas and dark purple bruises. I'm thankful that I only have two bruises on my face, my body took most of his anger this time. I am however going to have to wear jeans instead of shorts. So I settle for a tank top and hoodie, some skinny jeans, boot socks, and my cable knit slipper boots. It's a bit drafty in the old house anyways.
I enter the kitchen taking in all it's grandeur again and remember he has some English tea bags in the cabinet. I help myself to a nice tall warm glass and step out into the living room with a book. Perching myself into his oversized leather La-Z-Boy I cover up with a large quilt from the hall closet. Ellie jumps into the chair with me and I make room for her. She senses my unease at being alone and is quite the comfort. As if right on cue now that I'm comfortable, my phone chimes. I'm almost scared to look knowing it could be Brody.
DEX: I’m glad you’re back. I’ve missed my friend.
AMITY: Missed you too. Hope to be able to relax soon. Stop texting and driving!
DEX: You will, promise. Not driving. With the guys getting you a new phone.
AMITY: There’s nothing wrong with the one I have. Why aren’t you saving cats from trees instead?
DEX: We don’t save cats from trees! Jesus woman, you’re insufferable.
AMITY: Again, why a new phone? And why does it take several firemen to do so? I sense a joke in the making…
DEX: Funny… Anyone can trace your phone with the right knowhow. Turn it off.
AMITY: I don’t recall you being this bossy.
DEX: You’ve never caused this much trouble before. Turn off your phone!
AMITY: You don’t even know the half of it, yet.
I power my phone off sad that I have to do so but he's right. Plus I didn't want to give him the chance to ask me what the last text meant. If I need to call for help I'll just turn it back on. Then it hits me. He told someone about me and what happened. I really don't want this getting around town. I grew up here. I know a lot of these people. I don't want anyone thinking of me as the girl that let herself get beat by a man. Worse yet I came back to town to live with another man and no less brought back his twin girls he doesn't even know about.
I don't know how I allowed myself to be this person, I wasn't like this before I moved to Georgia. Growing up I always kept to myself aside from Dex and the guys which was just about always. Everyone knew we were good childhood friends. His parents lived right across the street and our parents grew up together as well.
We were more like family which is why it took liquid courage when he was the one I finally explored my sexuality with. I think more so than anything I just wanted to lose my virginity to someone who knew me well, it wasn't all about the experience. When it was all said and done with, I actually realized I was in love with him.
Dex was a popular kid. He played sports and everyone knew him. He wasn't a preppy kid or a jock so to speak but he was well liked and respected by everyone. No one spoke a bad word about him and certainly not about me when he was around because he had always been protective of me. To me it just felt as if I was his little sister and people treated me as such.
We're so different physically no one could picture us together anyways. He was a force to be reckoned with back then. Now he's even more so, he's well over 6'4" and 250+ pounds compared to my 5' 100 pounds. I guess that's why I've always been such a pushover and easy target for Brody.
I don't know when I doze off or when I wake up but it's to fumbling and muttered curse words out on the porch and Ellie barking and growling from my lap. I throw the blanket off of me in a hurry and push Ellie out of my chair. My heart is beating erratically and my palms
are sweaty. How could I have been so stupid to think he wouldn't have followed me. I dart down the hall towards the bathroom scared I won't be quick enough to get away as he starts pounding on the front door, my heart beats harder in my chest. I need to hide or he's going to kill me, I panic inwardly.
I know there's no where to hide in the bathroom so I quickly yank open the hall linen closet. There's coats hung on the rod and stack of quilts on the floor but nothing I can't work around. I squeeze myself in and organize the quilts around me. If he finds me and kicks me they'll cushion the blows. I pull the door closed on me and place my head between my knees covering my head with my arms. I hear words being muttered but I can't comprehend them over Ellie's barking and my deep breathing. I throw my hands over my mouth forcing my self to become quiet. Footsteps become louder as they make their way through the house from the front door to the kitchen.
"Amity?" I hear faintly in a mans voice. Tears sting my eyes, I can't take it. He's going to kill me and I haven't even told Dex about his daughters. Footsteps fall across the hardwood floor and gradually become quieter as they disappear upstairs.
I throw my hands over my ears and chant through tears to myself. "Please don't find me.... please don't find me...." The footsteps fall quicker this time when they come downstairs in a hurry with more garbled words that go unheard. They start to move towards me louder than before. I hyperventilate when I realize they've stopped right in front of the closet door. I can see the shadows of his shoes peeking under the door and cover my eyes.
"Go away.... Go away.... Go away...." I shout rocking back and forth as the door is yanked open. My vision blurs and I draw myself in closer to my knees. "Please don't hurt me! I'm sorry, Brody. Please my daughters need me." I sob.
"Amity." Dex mutters softly.
“I'm so sorry I won't run away again." I whimper exhausted having exhorted all my energy. Dex slumps down on the floor leaning against the open door and sits there unspeaking with his head in his hands. I'm a shaky nervous wreck and I can't stop crying. Brody is not the type of person to give up so easily.
"I should have known you don't like being left alone." He huffs out with relief for finding me and disappointment towards himself for leaving me. I shake my head trying to force myself to calm down. I can't look at him because I'm still trying to make myself believe it's only Dex. He reaches out for me and places his hand on my knee but I draw away from him. He can't touch me right now.
He removes his hand and patiently waits for me to relax. When I'm good and ready and my breathing has calmed he reaches into the closet and pulls me out, cradling me in his lap. One last sob escapes my chest when my breath hitches. He moves his hand up from around my shoulders to the back of my head pulling me into the crook of his neck and rests his chin on the top of my head.
"I'm so sorry, baby girl. I should have never left you." He tells me regrettably. A rush of air escapes his chest, "I took off for my vacation two days early, I promise I won't be doing that to you again." He informs me. I nod and wipe the tears from my eyes feeling like a complete mess. "You want to go into the kitchen, I'll make you some lunch? The girls will be here soon too. That should help ease your mind."
"Okay..." I whisper. Together he helps me get to my feet and goes into the kitchen with little to say. I stretch making a quiet yelping sound when I raise my hands above my head and bend to the left. He peeks his head around the corner, "what was that?"
"I was stretching. You don't happen to have some Advil do you?" I ask. He disappears again and meets me in the kitchen doorway holding a bottle of water and the over the counter pain relievers. I reach for them but he holds them over his head. I glare at him not in the mood to play.
"Show me." He demands. Annoyed I shake my head. "Believe me. I've already seen all the bruises. How do you think you woke up in my shirt? Now show me where it hurts!" I frown up at him and he reciprocates with a stern glare. "I'm a paramedic, of course I looked over your body. You're whole naked body. What did you expect when you show up like this?” He grins devilishly.
Carefully I begin to lift my hoodie but not fast enough for him. He grips the hem from my hands, raises my hoodie, and my tank top exposing the bottom of my breast.
"Cut it out." I whine and slap at his hand. He actually chuckles at me.
"I've seen your boobs before." He smiles slightly.
"I've never showed you my boobs!" I exclaim. I have a huge purple and blue bruise right under my left breast. He carefully places his hand on my side and presses on it, above it, around it, on my boob, you name it. He totally felt me up.
"You woke up without a bra didn't you." He winks, "they're really nice by the way." I wince when he presses firmly on the center of the bruise and watches the tears well in my eyes from the pain. "Don't take this the wrong way but I have to walk out of the room for a second, ok?" He says quietly with an all to polite smile and turns away from me. He goes into the kitchen and the shouting and cussing begin.
"GOD DAMMIT! SON-OF-MOTHER-FUCKING-BITCH!" He growls and punches what I assume is the wall. Ellie runs into the kitchen and barks ferociously at him.
"What the hell dog?" He shouts as there's scuffling and growling. I'm almost certain she's chomping her jaws at him wanting to tear into his flesh.
"How did he ever do that with this evil thing around?" He utters bewildered coming back into the room with her close on his heels, keeping a watchful eye. "Never mind, I can't believe he broke your ribs? Get in the truck, now! I'm not even arguing with you anymore. I will pick your tiny little ass up and carry you out to my truck if you so much as protest one word." He seethes while trying to keep his temper under control.
I open my mouth but immediately snap it shut when fury washes over his face. I was just going to say he didn't do it around her. He grabs my purse off the counter and ushers me out the door.
"Sis, I'm taking Amity to the emergency room. Can you stay with the girls for a while longer?"
"No, I'll explain later... That thing we talked about earlier, I'm gonna need you to do that too."
"Yes you were right."
"We'll talk later. Love you too. Thanks for all the help."
He hangs up his phone and reaches across the center console to grip my hand. He doesn't let me go for the life of him. I knew he was worried but this was beyond that. We don't speak for the whole ride to the hospital both of us being deep in thought. The one time I did look over at him he was reeling with anger. I don't know what he's thinking about but I'm awfully curious about what kind of a job he has for his sister. I'm also pretty irritated that he told her he was taking me to the emergency room.
He parks close to the entrance and comes around to help me out after demanding I not move from my spot until he does. I wouldn't dare anyway. If I tried to crawl out of this beast I would probably break my neck. Why the hell he feels the need to always have such a huge truck baffles me.
"Mr. Xylander, two visits in one day, I'm delighted. I thought you were on vacation. How can I help you, dear?" An older woman greets him kindly. He gestures to me where I'm standing partially behind him and for once I think she sees me. He's a mountain of a man and he casts shadows over everyone. He pulls me from behind him, she looks me up and down and then back to him. "Well who do we have here?" She smiles.
"Amity Mason." He answers.
"Is that from...." She trails off when Declan cuts her off.
"A private room please. I'd also like to request Dr. Natal." He adds. She looks me over again and nods sympathetically. It felt as if they both silently shared a secret code between the two of them.
"Of course. You're in great hands Miss Mason. Follow me." She says and leads us down several large hallways barking orders at people as we go. Three people fall in line behind us and join us in the room. They all get busy doing various things some working on me, some talking to Declan as if they're all good friends. They hand him all my paper work to fill out instead of
me like he would know. He sets in on filling it out without even asking me anything.
A female nurse comes in with a camera and another sympathetic stare. After another nurse finishes with my blood-work the room is cleared aside from Dex who's still working on my medical history and the nurse with the camera.
"I need you to stand against this wall, please, and look straight ahead."
"Dex," I look over at him worried.
"I'm sorry, you want me to leave?" He asks putting the clipboard down and getting up.
"Huh? No…. I don't care. I'm not filing a report!" I point to the nurse.
"It's hospital protocol. I'm not here to report anything, just to get pictures incase you do decide to. Then we have them here at the hospital." She assures me. I frown at her but oblige. After she's snapped several pictures of my face from different angles she asks me to disrobe.
"Dex." I groan.
"I've seen you naked."
"What, Amity? I've seen you naked before, for crying out loud. Just take the damn pictures and leave me be so I can finish this." I growl at him and strip down tossing my gown at his head.
"You're a butt-head!"
"That's real nice Amity, hurt me right in the ticker." He replies looking down at the clipboard while chewing on the end of the pen. I can think of a few adult words to call him.
I ignore him and grip my sides uncomfortable, as I hesitantly allow her to take several pictures of my body from various angles. After a few minutes I peek at Dex to see if he is looking but from what I could tell he isn't. He's filling out my forms like he's taking a college exam.
She finally finishes and helps me back into my gown and on the bed. The room fills back up with the nurses that were buzzing around earlier and all is well again, for the most part.
"Any surgeries other than your appendix in 97? Health conditions aside from PCOS since I saw you last or prescription allergies other than Reglan?" He asks after a while. "They're the only questions I couldn't answer. Oh, and start date of your last period and drugs you're on now if any. You're not doing any recreational drugs are you? Cause I checked no and that would make me a liar." He narrows his eyes at me. I glare at him still annoyed with his behavior from earlier and choose not to answer him. "Come on Amity just think of me as the paramedic who brought you in." I roll my eyes at him and cross my arms over my chest.